What My Family Needs to Know


Download the most comprehensive and easy-to-use personal record keeper today. No subscription, login or sign up needed. One time purchase.

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Important: Requires Microsoft® Word or a compatible word processor.

What My Family Needs to Know organizes personal and household information and tells you, your loved ones or advisors where to find vital records in a hurry.

We've thought of almost everything, so you don't have to. In fact, What My Family Needs to Know will be a whopping seventeen pages long when you download it. But don’t worry. It will likely be shorter when you delete sections that don’t apply to you.

When you’re done, your most important household information will be at your fingertips. For example, if your wallet is stolen, you’ll know which credit cards to notify and replace. If you lease storage space you’ll know what's in there and the code to get in. What My Family Needs to Know reminds you to record these bits of information and many others that are often overlooked.

Nobody likes to think about it, but if you or your partner ends up in the hospital for an extended stay, will the person you entrusted with Power of Attorney have the info they need to handle things like paying your bills until you recover? They will if they have a copy of What My Family Needs to Know.

Finally, when you pass away, will your family know where to find your will and last wishes or life insurance policy? Will they know how to close your social media accounts? At such a difficult time, your loved ones, advisors and executor will be forever grateful to have What My Family Needs to Know. 

Please review our record keepers, requirements, Terms of Use and FAQ’s page before ordering. Because our products are digital, they can’t be returned and we don’t offer refunds. Our record keepers are designed for U.S. users. If you live outside the U.S. you may have to do some extra editing.